Plygain Go Wahanol

Entertainment/Factual program on the centuries old tradition called Y Plygain. Featuring personal, funny and heartwarming stories. The service usually ends with a powerful climax of all the men side by side signing together, which obviously couldn’t be possible this year. But with the use of modern technology “Plygain Go Wahanol" captures the traditional spirit of the Plygain.

Wrth i ni ddilyn y traddodiad blygeiniol yn Sir Drefaldwyn a’i chyffuniau, cawn hanesion a cherddoriaeth am y traddodiad mewn ffurf hollol newydd. Llawn hwyl a gyda chalon cynnes.

Broadcast date 1st January 2021. Ionawr 2021.

Producer / Director / Camera/ Edit producer: Meinir Siencyn

Arials / second camera and production manager: Emyr Davies

Presenter: Angharad Jenkins

Editor: Ger Wynne. Llyr Madoc. Executor Producer: Arwyn



Drych: Y Bermo - Factual Entertainment -Co Production w/Darlun S4C & BBC I Player


Mas ar y Maes- Commissioned for National Eisteddfod Genedlaethol